Tool Library

Dress Codes
Dress Codes
Dress Codes

Debate about the fairness and effectiveness of dress codes

The Electoral College
The Electoral College
The Electoral College

Debate whether the electoral college is a effective system for electing a president.

Raising the Minimum Wage
Raising the Minimum Wage
Raising the Minimum Wage

Debate about whether the minimum wage should be increased.

Space Colonization
Space Colonization
Space Colonization

Debate about whether humans should colonize space.

Standardized Tests
Standardized Tests
Standardized Tests

Debate about whether standardized tests are good measures of academic success.

Is Artificial Intelligence Good for Society?
Is Artificial Intelligence Good for Society?
Is Artificial Intelligence Good for Society?

Defend your stance on the benefits and downsides of AI

Should the U.S. Government Provide Universal Health Care?
Should the U.S. Government Provide Universal Health Care?
Should the U.S. Government Provide Universal Health Care?

Engage in a debate about whether the US should have a universal healthcare system.

Universal Basic Income
Universal Basic Income
Universal Basic Income

Debate about the potential benefits and downsides of Universal Basic Income.

Universal Healthcare
Universal Healthcare
Universal Healthcare

Debate about the potential benefits and downsides of Universal Healthcare.

Cultural Heritage and Preservation
Cultural Heritage and Preservation
Cultural Heritage and Preservation

Debate the importance of preserving cultural heritage in the face of globalization and modernization.

The Ethics of Animal Rights and Factory Farming
The Ethics of Animal Rights and Factory Farming
The Ethics of Animal Rights and Factory Farming

Debate the moral considerations of animal rights and the impacts of factory farming on society and the environment.

Internet Censorship and Freedom of Speech
Internet Censorship and Freedom of Speech
Internet Censorship and Freedom of Speech

Debate the limits of free speech online and the role of governments and corporations in regulating content.

Campaign Finance Reform
Campaign Finance Reform
Campaign Finance Reform

Debate the impact of money in politics and potential reforms to ensure fair elections.

The Role of Art in Society
The Role of Art in Society
The Role of Art in Society

Debate the importance of art and culture in education and public life.

Artificial Intelligence Ethics
Artificial Intelligence Ethics
Artificial Intelligence Ethics

Debate the ethical considerations of AI development, including biases, job displacement, and decision-making autonomy.

Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action
Affirmative Action

Debate the merits and drawbacks of affirmative action in education and employment.

Gun Control Laws
Gun Control Laws
Gun Control Laws

Debate the effectiveness and constitutionality of different gun control measures.

What is the Origin of the Universe?
What is the Origin of the Universe?
What is the Origin of the Universe?

Please debate with Socrat for at least 30 minutes to understand the schools of thought relating to the origins of the universe.

Free Will Debate
Free Will Debate
Free Will Debate

Please debate with this chatbot for at least 30 minutes to better understand your position on this question: Does free will exist, or is every action predetermined?